On Ash Wednesday - the beginning of Lent - Saint Paul reminds us that, "now is the favourable time” (2Cor 6:2). We received ash on our foreheads, symbolising humility, and the call to repent. During these forty days, we have the opportunity to return to the Lord wholeheartedly, just as the prophet Joel urged: “Come back to me with all your heart.” Even when our lives get busy and distracting, God is always there, longing for us to turn back to Him. His love shows in how He meets us on this journey, showering us with kindness and compassion, and guiding us step by step.

The Church invites all Catholics to solemnly observe these forty days through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
a) Prayer – Building a strong friendship with God takes time and effort, just like any other relationship! Lent is a wonderful opportunity for us to dedicate some extra time in prayer and grow spiritually. It is important to communicate with God and listen to Him as He speaks to us through Scripture. On Ash Wednesday, it was so heartwarming to see all our churches filled with parishioners, coming together for Mass, even though it was not obligatory. Why not make a commitment to come for Sunday Mass – a holy day of obligation? Let’s fill those pews together!
b) Fasting – is more than just skipping meals; true fasting goes even deeper. It presents an opportunity to reflect on what distracts us from God, such as spending excessive time on social media, too much screen time, or unhealthy habits we may have adopted. Additionally, it involves taking a break from gossip, negative talk and indulgent behaviour. By doing this, we create extra space in our hearts for God’s grace to flow in. So, let’s embrace fasting as a way to reconnect and refocus on what truly matters!
c) Almsgiving – Lent is an excellent time to embrace generosity! It involves more than just giving money. It is also about sharing our kindness, time, and compassion with others. Assisting those in need reflects our gratitude for all the blessings we have received. Moreover, when we practice small acts of kindness each day, we are reminded that our love for God goes hand in hand with loving one another. Let’s spread the joy together!
As imperfect individuals, we are fortunate to be cared for by a God who is tender, compassionate, patient, and overflowing with grace. Lent is a wonderful season of grace, and a perfect time for us to refocus our hearts, and journey back to God with openness and sincerity. This season offers us an opportunity to refresh our spiritual journey with determination and commitment.
Let us approach God with a steadfast spirit, knowing that when Easter arrives, we will not only celebrate a significant event but also experience a true transformation of the heart.
